Reading this on a long drive. Really like your description of religion and its effects. Having grown up attending church, the “taboo” feeling of reading your article complements the message of how institutional religion can be controlling, and limit critical discussion around the topic.

Hope to read more like this. Especially curious what can we do as individuals and how can you withdraw the western influences now that some of them seem so embedded in local power structures.

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Thanks for your reply Jan. I intend to learn more and share what I find.

There are so many layers to systemic power structures that it can be easy to generalise with overreaching conclusions, but it's safe to assume that change is inevitable. If so, then what will Africa's evolution look like? What can we do to just move forward? What are we tolerating that we shouldn't?

In my experience, "taboo" often indicates the "elephant in the room" for a given context. I sense taboo when I mention the West's influence in Africa's cyclical suppression, hence why I infer the need for critical discussion...

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Nice post. Made me think about this book. Recommend reading it if you haven’t already

Hidden Repression: How the IMF and World Bank Sell Exploitation as Development https://a.co/d/awRFlv8

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Thanks Cory!

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